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Monthly Archives: May 2013
“ASPIRATIONAL PARATEXTS” INDEED: The “Quality Opening” Gambit of the Title Sequence
In the recently published Frames Cinema Journal devoted to Promotional Materials, my friend and colleague, Enrica Picarelli, has contributed a fascinating, provocative article on title sequences–also known as “openers,” “main titles” and “credits”– for premium cable content (e.g. Six Feet … Continue reading
MOVIE TRAILERS GET ACADEMIC RESPECT: Frames Cinema Journal (Univ. of St. Andrews) Publishes an Entire Issue to Promotional Materials
In the letter from the editors, Kathleen Scott & Sarah Solimon make the following assertion: “Promotional materials are an essential, yet often overlooked, aspect of the film industry. In continuing our dedication to emerging areas of research in film, we … Continue reading
OBLIVION Trailers, Teaser, Spots and Featurettes: Saving a Mediocre Movie from Oblivion
It’s getting harder to assess the effect of movie marketing, given the multiple, intersecting components of any campaign. Take for example, Oblivion, a B.O. bomb in the US with $77M in domestic ticket sales, but with $224M worldwide, with nearly … Continue reading